Aid Al-Mawlid Annabawi celebrated at a religious ceremoy chaired by King Mohammed VI

King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, has chaired this Saturday at the Hassan Mosque in Rabat, a religious ceremony marking Aid Al-Mawlid Annabawi Asharif which commemorates the birth of Prophet Sidna Mohammed.

The Sovereign was accompanied by Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, Prince Moulay Rachid and his son Prince Moulay Ahmed and Prince Moulay Ismail

The religious ceremony was marked by the declamation of verses from the Holy Quran and panegyrics of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed.

The Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, afterwards made a presentation before the King on the results of the activities of the Supreme Council of Ulema and the local Councils of Ulema, and handed over to the Sovereign the report on these activities.

In his presentation, the Minister indicated that the Supreme Council of Ulema, which is chaired by the King, Commander of the Faithful, fulfilled its mission in the service of religion and in respect for the constants of the Nation, noting that this Institution has been able, despite the pandemic, to continue its work through the four main axes, namely communication (Tabligh), qualification, supervision and intervention on the field within the framework of activities of general interest.

King Mohammed VI presented the Mohammed VI Prize for Islamic Thought and Studies (Prize of Merit and Tribute) to Mr. Chbihna Hamdati Maa El Aïnine (Rabat).

This annual prize rewards eminent scientific personalities to encourage them to conduct high-quality research in the field of Islamic studies, in accordance with the teachings of the noble Sharia which advocates the continuous search for knowledge.

The King was then greeted by Hamid Adardour, from the city of Agadir, who received from the hands of the Sovereign the Mohammed VI International Prize for memorization, declamation and exegesis of the Holy Quran.

The Sovereign was also greeted by Farhane Mohamadi Fadlane, from the Republic of Indonesia, to whom the King awarded the Mohammed VI International Prize for Psalmody of the Holy Quran with memorization of five Hizbs.

The King also presented the Mohammed VI Prize for Excellence in Moroccan Calligraphic Art to Omar Sarghini, from the city of Rabat. The Sovereign then awarded the Mohammed VI Prize for Moroccan decorative art on paper (Honorary Prize) to Abdelmajid Talbi, from the city of Salé, and the Mohammed VI Prize for Moroccan decorative art on paper (Prize of Excellence) to Mrs. Leila El Jemli, from the city of Fez.

The King also awarded the Mohammed VI Prize for Arab Literacy [Al Horoufia] (Honorary Prize) to Mohamed Boukhana, from the city of Temara, and the Mohammed VI Prize for Arab Literacy [Al Horoufia] (Prize of the excellence) to Mohamed Al Asri, from the city of Casablanca.

During the ceremony, the King was also greeted by the members of the jury of the Mohammed VI Prize for Islamic Thought and Studies, Professors Mohamed Kettani, Mohamed Yssef, Mustapha Benhamza, Idriss Khalifa, Ahmed Chaouki Binebine, Ahmed Chahlane and Abdelhamid ElAlami.

The religious ceremony was attended by members of the Government, several senior officials and senior officers of the Royal Armed Forces, members of the Islamic diplomatic corps accredited in Rabat, as well as several ulemas and other civil and military personalities.

The celebration of this religious ceremony by King Mohammed VI perpetuates the tradition observed by his ancestors who used to commemorate the birthday of the Messenger of Mercy, their Ancestor the Prophet Sidna Mohammed, prayer and peace be upon him.

An anniversary that marks the blossoming of the lights of guidance for Humanity, thanks to the message carried by the Seal of the Prophets, to spread the high virtues and the values of justice and to recommend good deeds so that all humans live in peace and harmony.

About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4434 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network