Guinea-Bissau/Elections: CNE calls on population to remain “calm, serene and vigilant”

The National Elections Commission (CNE) of Guinea-Bissau called on the population to remain “calm, serene and vigilant” until the results of Sunday’s legislative elections are announced, and called for a “sense of responsibility” from the parties.
In a statement read by deputy Executive secretary Idrissa Djaló, the CNE called for “tolerance, serenity and sense of responsibility” of all actors involved in the electoral process, including parties and coalitions and the media, and to maintain “an exemplary civic conduct” in this “crucial and delicate moment that the country is experiencing.
The CNE considered that the elections were held “in a climate of great cordiality, cooperation and solidarity” and in an “orderly and peaceful” manner. Idrissa Djaló said that the provisional results of the elections will be released “as of Wednesday”. About 900,000 Guinean voters were called this Sunday to choose the 102 new members of Parliament and the party that will form the Government from among 20 parties and two coalitions.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia