Director-General of the World Health Organization visits Cape Verde

The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) will visit Cape Verde for three days, starting on Wednesday January 10, the government announced Monday January 8, at a time when the country is in the process of eradicating malaria.
Tedros Ghebreyesus’ visit to Cape Verde “represents a great distinction,” said Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva.
The ongoing work towards “certification as a malaria-free country has a very big impact” and has been “a long-standing construction,” he told journalists.
“In terms of external image, this is very good, both for tourism and as a challenge that Cape Verde has overcome in the health system,” said the government leader, hours after the Minister of Health announced the visit—without details.
The WHO director-general’s visit could also serve to “motivate the country even more,” he added.
“Motivation so that we can take the necessary leaps forward, so that our health system is ever stronger and more resilient,” said Ulisses Correia e Silva, pointing to the fight against malaria as “a good example.”
Cape Verde has had no indigenous cases of malaria (or malaria, as the disease is also known) for more than five years.
Malaria, a curable disease, is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito and is one of the main causes of death worldwide.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia