Tanzania: Several opposition leaders arrested before a banned demonstration

Prior to a scheduled protest on Monday August 12, police detained Tundu Lissu, one of Tanzania’s most prominent opposition leaders, and two members of his Chadema party, a Chadema spokesperson said.

The opposition had already planned large-scale protests in early 2023 to call for electoral changes that would ensure the legitimacy of the presidential elections in 2025.

The opposition Chadema party leader, who previously ran for President, had urged his followers to assemble on Sunday in the southwest Tanzanian town of Mbeya. This in spite of the authorities’ cautions, sensing there was an excessive chance of violent outbursts.

Following the ban, popular singer and former parliamentary candidate Joseph Mbilinyi, together with party secretary general John Mnyika and Tundu Lissu were all taken into custody on Sunday. The opposition disputed the prohibition, citing a comparable rally that the ruling CCM party arranged and took place in Zanzibar last Saturday.

According to the party spokesman, several hundred followers as well as other prominent Chadema members have been imprisoned in addition to Tundu Lissu. Leader of the Chadema movement Freeman Mbowe demanded that all leaders and supporters be released immediately and denounced the detention.

The director of communications for the opposition party, John Mrema, stated that approximately 500 youth supporters had also been arrested by police en route to the event, prior to be taking back home.