Guinea: Dionísio Cabi appointed Minister of National Defense

Guinean President Umaro Sissoco Embaló on August 20 appointed former President of the Court of Auditors Dionísio Cabi as the new Minister of National Defense, replacing Nicolau dos Santos, who was dismissed from the Government.

The replacement of Nicolau dos Santos by Dionísio Cabi is one of several changes made by Sissoco Embaló in the presidential-initiated Government, at the proposal of the Prime minister, Rui Duarte de Barros, announced by presidential decrees.

Dionísio Cabi and Nicolau dos Santos are both leaders of the Social Renewal Party (PRS), albeit from opposing wings, one supporting Embalo and the other hostile to the Guinean Head of State.

The wing to which Cabi belongs, the so-called Inconformados with the direction of the PRS, has already positioned itself to support Umaro Sissoco Embaló for a second presidential term.

Another leader of the PRS wing that supports Embaló and joins the Government is naval pilot Pedro Tipote, who will take over the Public Health portfolio, which has been vacant since June 2024, when the previous holder, Domingos Malú, resigned.