Mozambique’s drug factory “ready” to produce for the world

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi announced on Monday September 16 that the country’s pharmaceutical factory is now certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and ready to produce medicines for the global market.

“We now have a global certification. The medicines produced here can be exported anywhere,” Nyusi said during a visit to the National Medicines Factory in Maputo province. He highlighted that, unlike older regional facilities, this factory stands out for its modern capabilities.

The facility, which manufactures 83 types of drugs, recently earned WHO certification after multiple inspections, enabling it to expand production internationally.

Nyusi emphasized the factory’s potential for growth, particularly in vaccine and injectable drug production. He also noted the high standards and quality of the medicines, which should help reduce the illegal sale of counterfeit drugs.

“In the near future, we aim to make medicines widely available, so there will be less demand for stolen or counterfeit drugs,” he added.

Opened in 2015, the factory produces millions of medications annually and employs 250 workers, including both local and international staff, most of whom are young.