This time, Guinea defeated the Ebola virus disease that reappeared in the south of the country in last February. National health authorities quickly implemented the response, with support from WHO and its partners, building on the expertise accumulated in the fight against Ebola in the country between 2013 and 2016.
“I am pleased to declare on behalf of the Head of State the end of the resurgence of the Ebola virus disease in Guinea. The honor fell to the Minister of Health, Dr. Remy Lamah to announce the end of the Ebola virus disease in Guinea to great applause.
But it was not without difficulties, as confirmed by the prefect of N’Zérékoré, Saa Leno. “It was the difficulties with the citizens, the populations especially in the affected areas, there was often reluctance, but it was necessary to go through the awareness, so we have to contribute to the local authorities and even the moral authorities so that people understand that everyone knows that he must participate in this fight.
We must not disarm, we must go very far and very fast to avoid a resurgence of the disease.
Alfred Ki-Zerbo is the WHO representative in Guinea. “No, it’s over now, and so the consolidation phase begins, and asks not to disarm efforts, on the contrary, calls us to maintain a health watch in Guinea, but also in connection with neighboring countries through cross-border collaboration.
Guinea has received approximately 24,000 doses of vaccine and more than 10,000 people have been vaccinated, including front-line health workers.