Assassination of Thomas Sankara Trial to begin in October

The Burkinabe justice system has set Monday, October 11, 2021 as the opening date for the trial of the assassination of former Burkina Faso president Thomas Sankara and 12 of his companions.
This is stated in a communiqué issued by the military Prosecutor at the Ouagadougou Military Court on Tuesday.
The statement said that this hearing of the Trial Chamber will be relocated in the Banquet Hall of Ouaga 2000, and will be open to the public, as was the case of the failed putsch project of September 2015.
A significant development in the Thomas Sankara case occurred last April when the military justice system confirmed the charges and indicted 14 people.
Among the accused is former President Blaise Compaoré, considered the mastermind and the main beneficiary of the assassination of the father of the Burkinabe revolution. In the case, Blaise Compaoré, now in exile in Côte d’Ivoire, is being prosecuted for attack on state security, complicity in murder, and receiving corpses. The other central figure in this case is General Gilbert Diendéré, already convicted in the coup d’état against the transition in 2015. He will answer for the facts of attack on state security, complicity in murder, subornation of witnesses and concealment of corpses.

About Geraldine Boechat 2768 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia