Blaise Compaoré returns to Faso after 8 years in exile

In Burkina Faso, former President Blaise Compaoré arrived in Ouagadougou on Thursday. He is expected to participate alongside other former Heads of state in a meeting on Friday with President Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba.
At the airport in Ouagadougou, several hundred supporters of Blaise Compaoré are mobilized. It is a joy here, to see their leader return to the country after nearly 8 years of exile.
“We are really happy. We are going to welcome our ex-president for everything he did for our country,” says one supporter. We are happy that Blaise Compaoré is coming to Burkina Faso,” says another.
“For the people of Burkina Faso, especially the youth, it is a strong message that President Damiba has sent. Frankly, we cannot achieve peace without all the leaders who were not there and who are returning,” said this supporter.
The plane carrying Blaise Compaoré landed at 2pm in Ouagadougou at the capital’s air base. The former president was then airlifted from the airbase to an unknown destination. This Friday, alongside former presidents Roch Kaboré, Michel Kafando, Isaac Zida and Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo, Blaise Compaoré will participate in a meeting with President Damiba.
After the meeting, according to our sources, he should return to Abidjan on Saturday.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia