TAAG announces strike action for October 07, 08 and 09

The Angolan state airline TAAG communicated on social networks that it has “a strike announced for October 07, 08 and 09″.
We apologize, we have announced a strike for 07, 08 and 09 October,” reads a message posted on the official page of TAAG on Instagram.
The company asks for its customers’ understanding, asking them to have “patience.” “We are doing everything we can to help you,” TAAG adds. TAAG’s communication ends with an appeal to passengers to check “the list of affected flights and the numbers of the ‘call centers'” on the company’s portal.
Earlier it had been announced that the strike would last a week, between October 7 and 16, which is why the parliamentary group of UNITA, the largest Angolan opposition party, announced it had requested an urgent meeting with the Minister of Transport to obtain clarification about the pilots’ strike at the flagship airline, given the impact of the strike.
On July 20, the demands of the Airline Pilots Union (SPLA) were delivered to TAAG, and meetings were held in which the airline “presented several resolution proposals, duly framed in its financial reality,” and with the “firm objective” of accommodating the pilots’ requests, reads a statement issued by the company on Saturday.
In the same statement, TAAG adds that a “contingency plan has been created to minimize the impact” of the strike.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia