Morocco’s King chairs religious ceremony in commemoration of Laylat al-Qadr

SM le Roi Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, que Dieu L'assiste, préside, lundi une veillée religieuse en commémoration de Laylat Al-Qadr à la mosquée Hassan de Rabat. Après les prières d'Al-Icha et des Taraouih, des versets du Saint Coran ont été récités par l'enfant Mohamed Aghlaich (12 ans, originaire de la ville de M'diq), lauréat du Prix national Mohammed VI de mémorisation, de déclamation et de psalmodie du Saint Coran.

King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, accompanied by Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, Prince Moulay Rachid and Prince Moulay Ismail, chaired on Monday evening at the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, a religious ceremony in commemoration of the blessed Laylat Al-Qadr.

After the prayers of al-Icha and Tarawih, verses of the Holy Quran were recited by the 11-year old Hajar Al Mourabit from the city of Tetouan, winner of the Mohammed VI National Prize for memorization, declamation and psalmody of the Holy Quran. The King then presented the prize to the young girl.

This distinction translates the great interest the King grants to the memorization, learning and declamation of the Holy Book among the mounting generations.

Then, Bahae Eddine Mohamed Jamal Eddine Ennadoui, a theologian from India, delivered an address expressing, on behalf of the Ulema who participated in the religious lectures of the holy month of Ramadan 1444, deep thanks and gratitude to the King, Commander of the Faithful, for the welcome and hospitality extended to them throughout their stay in the Kingdom.

Bahae Eddine Mohamed Jamal Eddine Ennadoui stressed that the religious lectures bring together every year an elite of Ulemas to discuss multiple issues of interest to the Islamic Ummah and humanity as a whole, noting that King Mohammed VI continues the work of his glorious ancestors, the late King Mohammed V who had built the bonds of friendship and harmony, and the late King Hassan II who had laid the groundwork for the development of a modern Morocco.

This religious evening was marked by the reading of “Hadith Al Khatm” and the closing of Sahih Al-Bukhari.

The Sovereign then awarded the Mohammed VI Prize “Ahl Al-Qurâan” and “Ahl Al-Hadith”, respectively to Abderrahim Naboulsi, from the city of Marrakech, and to Mohamed Benkirane, from the city of El Ksar El Kébir.

The King also awarded the Mohammed VI Prize for Koranic schools in its three categories to Mohamed Chakir of Ouarzazate (learning methodology Prize), to Mohamed Boulis of Larache (performance Prize), and to Mohamed Zaânouni of Tiznit (management Prize).

The Sovereign then awarded the Mohammed VI Prize for the Adhan and Tahlil, created on the King’s high instructions, respectively to Youssef Ennaji of the city of Mohammedia (Excellence Prize) and to Mohamed El Hedar of the city of Nador (Honorary Award).

The religious ceremony was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps of Islamic countries accredited to Morocco, besides scores of Moroccan civilian and military officiald.

About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4617 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network