Cape Verde Television invests one million euros to migrate to high definition

Cape Verdean public television (TCV) has invested about one million euros in a technological modernization project that marks the migration from the analog system to high definition as of June 13, according to an official source.
The information was provided to Lusa news agency by Margarida Fontes, administrator for the channel area of the only public television in Cabo Verde, which today launches the new platform for production and broadcasting of content, in a ceremony to be presided over by Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva.
According to the official, since 2011 TCV has gone digital, but the system was already obsolete, bringing dangers, including drops in emission.
The platform that started working Tuesday allows the interconnection of production and emission of contents from the arrival of the journalist at the ‘ingest’, through the redaction, editing and sending for emission.
“So it is a structuring project, but also an emergency one, because television was already dependent on this platform. We could not stop investing or go back”, stressed the administrator of the Cape Verdean Radio and Television (RTC), a company created in 1997, after the merger of the national radio and television.
“Therefore, instead of us having disintegrated poles of content production, it is a digital system that allows the journalist to produce and the editor to follow up his work until its emission”, continued the journalist.
The responsible advanced that it is an investment of 110 million escudos (997 thousand euros), contracted by RTC with the bank, with the State’s guarantee. Among the platform’s features is the connection with the newsrooms on other islands of the country, with the correspondent in Lisbon and with the digital platforms.
“It is an equipment that allows agility, modernity”, noted Margarida Fontes, saying that TCV is responding to a “great demand” of Cape Verdean viewers, who often criticize the quality of images, especially in direct broadcasts.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia