The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said it will offer Morocco 270 million euros as an initial response to the earthquake over 2023-2025.
The response comprises two key phases that are designed to promote sustainable recovery and inclusive regional development, the EBRD said in a statement.
The funding will be geared to reconstruction, supporting micro enterprises and SMEs as well as economic inclusion of women, it said.
The bank is planning additional funding at a later stage targeting the upgrade of infrastructure, it added.
Morocco is a founding member of the EBRD and became a beneficiary of Bank resources in 2012. To date the EBRD has invested €4.2 billion in the country through 95 projects.
Morocco had announced a five-year plan worth 12 billion dollars in response to the earthquake to be funded by the state budget, local authorities, a special fund created to support quake-hit areas, Hassan II fund and international development aid.