Investigation Launched into the Circulation of Misinformation Involving National Figures and Institutions in a Drug Trafficking Case in Morocco

The General Prosecutor’s Office near the Court of Appeal in Casablanca has initiated an investigation following the spread of false information implicating presumed involvement of national personalities and institutions in an international drug trafficking case. This inquiry stems from the appearance of 25 individuals before the prosecutor’s office in connection with the aforementioned case.

In a statement issued by the Attorney General of the King near the Court of Appeal in Casablanca, it is mentioned that the opening of this investigation is a result of the Prosecutor’s awareness of content circulated on various social media platforms. This content wrongly accused national personalities and institutions of complicity in the international drug trafficking case, involving parliamentarians, officials responsible for territorial communities, and law enforcement officials among the 25 individuals brought before the prosecutor.
In accordance with constitutional provisions regarding the right to access information, the Attorney General of the King near the Court of Appeal in Casablanca recalls that he had previously communicated, on December 24, 2023, the preliminary findings of the investigation, thus respecting the presumption of innocence. These conclusions were based on judicial procedures in force and supervised by the Prosecutor, detailing the number of presumed individuals involved and subject to the investigation by the examining magistrate.
The statement emphasizes that information disseminated by certain articles and electronic sites regarding the involvement of national figures and institutions is unfounded. These erroneous pieces of information legally implicate their authors due to the unfounded accusations attributed to the mentioned individuals and institutions, as well as the defamation affecting their reputation.
While reaffirming the results of the previous investigation, the Prosecutor announces the initiation of an inquiry into the dissemination of this misinformation, entrusted to the National Judicial Police Brigade. The objective is to identify those responsible for the creation and dissemination of this information, regardless of the means used. Once the investigation is concluded, appropriate legal measures will be taken based on its results.
About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4480 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network