King Mohammed VI Chairs commemoration ceremony of 26th anniversary of death of late King Hassan II

King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, flanked by Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, Prince Moulay Rachid, and Prince Moulay Ahmed, chaired this Sunday October 13 (corresponding to 09 Rabii II 1446 of the Hegira) a religious ceremony at the Mohammed V Mausoleum in Rabat, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the death of the late King Hassan II.

The ceremony was marked by the reading of verses of the holy Koran and the chanting of the panegyrics of the Prophet. Prayers were said for the rest of the soul of the late King Hassan II and his father the late King Mohammed V.

This commemoration of the 26th anniversary of the death of the late Hassan II, provides an opportunity for the Moroccan people to pay a vibrant tribute to the founder of modern Morocco, who left his mark on the Kingdom’s contemporary history, and illustrates the desire of a people to take ownership of its history, and to pay tribute to the spirit of a visionary King who managed to guide Morocco along the path of modernity, while preserving its plural identity and age-old civilization.

Since his enthronement in 1961, the late Hassan II has scrupulously respected the milestones set by his father, the late King Mohammed V, and cemented their foundations, threading on a path of edification and unification that has given Morocco a privileged position in the concert of nations, enabling it to consolidate its stability, embark on the path of development, and complete its territorial integrity.

Actually, it was under the reign of the late Hassan II that Morocco managed to consolidate its national unity, notably with the recovery of the provinces of Sidi Ifni (June 30, 1969) and Oued Eddahab (August 14, 1979). The cornerstone of this glorious achievement of territorial integrity was undoubtedly the organization, on November 06, 1975, of the Green March, a peaceful and memorable epic inscribed in the annals of human history as a model for peaceful settlement of disputes.

Since the early years of his reign, the architect of the Green March had been aware of the importance of building an independent, solid and resilient national economy, initiating the “dam policy” in 1966, which he had made his reign’s project. Since its inception, this policy has proved its worth, particularly during the recurrent cycles of drought and water shortages that Morocco and many other countries in the region experienced years later.

This pioneering program, coupled with an ambitious agricultural policy, has firmly established the Kingdom’s agricultural vocation and made the sector a lever for overall development.

In addition to economic growth, the late Sovereign was keen to guarantee the social well-being of citizens, and to preserve the values of cohesion, solidarity and mutual aid that characterize Moroccan society. To this end, he launched several strategic projects, including the promotion of women’s rights, the consolidation of the family institution, the development of social housing and respect for human rights and pluralism.

Internationally, the charisma, insight, and open-mindedness of the late King earned him the respect and admiration of world leaders. Under his wise leadership, Morocco forged a place for itself in the concert of nations, made its voice heard in various international fora and played a key role in a number of regional and international issues, such as the Arab-Israeli conflict, UN peace missions and the creation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), forerunner of the African Union, and the Arab Maghreb Union, among others.

The late King’s actions in the fight against colonialism, the establishment of peace, and the achievement of development and prosperity in Africa, recognized worldwide, earned him, on November 1, 2022, a Pan-African Prize awarded by Ethiopia to the late Sovereign for his dedication and contribution to the emancipation of Africa and pan-Africanism, notably through his actions in favor of the creation of the OAU.

The late King adopted, in matters of foreign Policy, a clear and balanced vision that advocated openness to the Western world and modernity, while preserving Morocco’s identity and roots as an Islamic, Arab, African, and Mediterranean country.
Moreover, as Commander of the Faithful, the late Sovereign never ceased to plead and work for the unity of the ranks of the entire Islamic Ummah in the face of the dangers threatening the land of Islam.

In commemorating the 26th anniversary of the passing of the late Hassan II, the Moroccan people pays tribute to the memory of a great builder who enabled Morocco to enter fully into the era of modernity. It is also an opportunity for all Moroccans to reiterate their unwavering loyalty and unshakeable attachment to the Alaouite Throne, and to renew their determination to carry on the late Sovereign’s work and adhere to the great projects initiated by his successor, King Mohammed VI, who holds the torch high to build up a modern, developed, and prosperous Morocco.


About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4466 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network