Gabon sets November 16 date for Referendum on new Constitution

The people of Gabon will vote in a crucial referendum on November 16 to decide on a new draft Constitution, a significant step toward restoring civilian rule after the 2023 coup. The transitional Government, led by General Brice Ngema Oligui, announced that the draft Constitution was approved by the Council of Ministers on Thursday October 17, signaling the final phase of the process initiated following the ousting of President Ali Bongo.
Government spokesperson Laurence Ndong confirmed that the Council of Ministers was pleased with the draft’s completion, noting that the upcoming referendum is a key moment in the transition. Voters will be asked to approve or reject the new constitution with a simple “Yes” or “No” vote, as outlined by the electoral college, which is scheduled for November 16, 2024.
Although the final draft and the 800 proposed amendments from the Constituent Assembly have yet to be made public, a leaked version suggests significant reforms. The proposed constitution introduces a presidential system without a Prime Minister, a 7-year presidential term with one re-election limit, and a requirement that presidential candidates be born to Gabonese parents. Additional provisions include defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman, compulsory military service, and affirming French as the official language. These changes stem from an inclusive national dialogue in April, which gathered over a thousand citizen recommendations.
On August 30, 2023, shortly after Ali Bongo Ondimba was declared the winner of his third term, a military junta took to television to announce the “end of the Bongo regime,” citing electoral fraud. The junta dissolved existing institutions and created a transitional parliament that included figures from political parties, civil society, and both former opposition and supporters of Bongo’s regime. General Oligui has committed to returning power to civilians once the transition is complete, though he has openly expressed his intent to run in the presidential election set for August 2025.

About Geraldine Boechat 2863 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia