Cameroon: President Paul Biya returns to the country after seven weeks of absence and worry

Freshly repainted sidewalks, posters reading “Welcome back, Mr. President of the Republic,” and crowds of activists from the presidential party lining the streets — Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon, was abuzz on Monday, October 21, in anticipation of Paul Biya’s return.
The president, now approaching his 92nd birthday and having led the nation for an extraordinary 42 years, had been out of the country for seven weeks. During his absence, concerns over his health, coupled with widespread rumors and inconsistent communication from the authorities, fueled speculation. Yet, as the late afternoon hours approached, he made his return.
State television, CCRTV, broadcast images of the president’s arrival at Yaoundé International Airport at 6:38 p.m. Wearing a midnight blue suit and a black tie, Paul Biya was seen alongside his wife, greeting dignitaries who had come to welcome him back. A jubilant crowd gathered nearby, eager to catch a glimpse of the leader. Among those greeting him was the Secretary General of the Presidency, Minister of State Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh. The two exchanged brief words before the president stepped into his waiting limousine, making no public statement either to the crowd or via television.
Hundreds of activists from his party, the RDPC, had been waiting around the airport for hours, singing praises and slogans in honor of Paul Biya. As his car passed, he gave them a wave through the lowered window. Along the 25 kilometers separating the airport from the presidential palace, the streets were lined with onlookers and posters in both French and English, welcoming him back. For many, his prolonged absence had sparked rumors and concerns, and they were eager to see the man whose decades-long rule has shaped the country, now returned amid both celebration and lingering uncertainty.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia