Congo Brazzaville: Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO launched a web TV for education

Exchanges with the Congolese Head of State Denis Sassou Nguesso whose country pleads for the inclusion of Rumba on the list of intangible heritage of humanity; signing of cooperation agreements and visit to a center for the treatment of sickle cell disease: the visit of Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO was hardly rested Wednesday in Brazzaville where she inaugurated an educational web channel in a high school.
It is under the songs and dances of the teachers and students that Mrs. Audrey Azoulay was received at the lycée de la Révolution where she attended the raising of colors before proceeding to the inauguration of the Ecole à domicile Télévision (EADTV), a web channel presented by Anatole Collinet Makosso, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education.
“As a hosting and broadcasting platform, this channel uses social networks to broadcast audiovisual courses, but also documents, programs and information of an educational nature. The technical set includes a studio for live broadcasting and a set for deferred broadcasting,” said Mr. Collinet Makosso.
The Unesco patroness welcomed this initiative taken in this period marked by the coronavirus. However, some students, especially from the hinterland, will have difficulty accessing this webtv; Congo has a low Internet penetration, but the country is not alone on the list according to Audrey Azoulay. “The Internet, there is more than one child in two who does not have access to it in the world. We cannot limit ourselves only to distance learning via the Internet,” she said.
Just after her visit she crossed the river to Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

About Geraldine Boechat 2859 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia