The twenty-six provincial governors are convened in Kinshasa for a conference around President Felix Tshisekedi. The theme of this meeting: “The governance of the provinces in the current democratic environment, challenges and opportunities”. A meeting of governors that comes at the height of the crisis within the ruling FCC-Cach coalition and which should benefit the Tshisekedi clan, to the detriment of its rival Joseph Kabila.
This meeting is the second of its kind in the first quinquennium of Kabila’s successor and it takes place after a series of events that weakened Joseph Kabila’s FCC.
First, there was the disavowal of Jeanine Mabunda, the president of the National Assembly and her entire office, essentially the FCC.
Second setback for the FCC: the letter of six pro-Kabila senators, who inform the former leader of a series of dysfunctions of the political platform and demand the resignation of its coordination.
In an attempt to salvage what can be salvaged, a crisis committee was set up by the former president. This commission explains Raymond Tshibanda, its president, will continue its consultations with national elected officials and leaders of political groups to try to understand the debacle and try to rebuild the unity of the Kabila clan.
Should we then expect other members of the FCC to join the camp of President Felix Tshisekedi? The secretary general of the UDPS, the presidential party, Augustin Kabuya reveals that he is courted by several pro-Kabila governors who express their willingness to join the Sacred Union for the Nation, the one that should support the philosophy of the approach of the president of the Republic.