Cameroon: A presidential candidate denounces lack of official information on Paul Biya’s health

In an open letter to Samuel Mvondo Ayolo, director of the Civil Cabinet of the Cameroonian presidency, lawyer Christian Ntimbane expressed concerns over President Paul Biya’s prolonged absence following the China-Africa Summit from September 4 to 6, 2024.
Ntimbane noted that the lack of official updates on the president’s whereabouts or health has led to rampant speculation on social media, with reports suggesting he is “sometimes in Switzerland, sometimes in poor health in a hospital in France.”
He urged the government to clarify the situation, stating, “If he is on vacation, say so. If he is sick, say that too. A President of the Republic can fall ill,” emphasizing the need for transparency to quell public speculation.
Despite the government’s silence, Biya’s absence has dominated media discussions. Commentators are split on the issue, with some advocating for transparency regarding the President’s health, while others dismiss the rumors as unfounded fantasies.
This lack of clear communication from the government has raised concerns about its willingness to engage with the public. As Biya, who has ruled Cameroon for over four decades, remains out of sight, anxiety grows in a nation where political stability is closely linked to his leadership.

About Geraldine Boechat 2842 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia