Mozambique: Presidential candidate Mondlane calls for a “general strike” alleging fraud in the elections

After alleging widespread fraud in Mozambique’s October 9 elections, presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane has called for a nationwide strike on October 21 to protest the results. In a video posted on his Facebook page, Mondlane urged Mozambicans to “stop all public and private activities” on Monday, asserting that the election process was deeply flawed.

“The moment has come for the people to assert their power,” Mondlane declared. “We are calling for a national general strike on Monday, halting public and private sector activities. We will strike across the country, holding up signs to express our rejection of this regime and the corrupt electoral bodies.”

Mondlane’s appeal follows the release of preliminary election results by Mozambican authorities, which show Daniel Chapo, the candidate for the ruling Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo), in the lead. Mondlane, running for the non-parliamentary party Podemos, contests these results, claiming his party has evidence proving their rightful victory. He also accused the judiciary and police of acting in favor of the ruling party.

The October 9 presidential election featured four key candidates: Venâncio Mondlane, Daniel Chapo, Ossufo Momade (backed by Renamo), and Lutero Simango (supported by the Democratic Movement of Mozambique, MDM). Mondlane’s concerns about election integrity are shared by others, including the Electoral Observation Platform More Integrity, a coalition of Mozambican civil society organizations. The platform condemned the election as “fraudulent,” citing ballot box stuffing and falsified notices as examples of electoral misconduct.

Mozambique’s National Electoral Commission (CNE) has 15 days from the close of voting to officially announce the results. These results must then be validated by the Constitutional Council, which has no set deadline for delivering a final proclamation. The council is also responsible for handling any appeals related to the electoral process.

About Geraldine Boechat 2859 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia