Tanzania gets AfDB’s $55 million facility to jumpstart private sector-led economic growth

The African Development Bank has approved a $55 million facility to strengthen implementation of reforms to enhance Tanzania’s economic competitiveness and private sector participation in the country’s growth.

These critical reforms will lead to a more vibrant economy, which will improve the living conditions of Tanzanians, particularly the poor and vulnerable, and including women and youth.

The Bank’s support will finance the second phase of the Good Governance and Private Sector Development Program (GGPSDP) that will help close the 2019/20 financing gap and make key government agencies more effective.

GGPSDP II will build on strong results from GGPSDP I and support ongoing efforts to reduce the cost of doing business, reduce fees on permits, licenses and registration certificates in key institutions (Prior action), phase rolloutof the online Business Registration and Licensing Agency registration portal (BRELA).

The reform program aligns with Tanzania’s Vision 2025 and its second five-year development plan (2016/17 – 2020/21). It is also consistent with pillar II of the Tanzania Country Strategy Paper (2016-2020) – Strengthening Governance and Accountability, as well as two African Development Bank High5 Priorities: Industrialize Africa and Improve the quality of life of the people of Africa.

Constraints to doing business in Tanzania include high compliance costs, lengthy pre-approval procedures, multiple and duplicate processes for business registration, loopholes in some laws and regulations applied by regulators during inspections, and high regulatory costs at the national and local levels.

Support from the Bank’s African Development Fund will bolster ongoing reforms being undertaken by the government of Tanzania that have been identified as critical for the participation of local and foreign investors across different sectors of the economy.

Tanzania’s main development challenge has been to make economic growth more inclusive and broad-based – to create employment and equal opportunities across age, geography and gender.

About Geraldine Boechat 2768 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia