Côte d’Ivoire: Supporters of Laurent Gbagbo submit his candidacy for the elections

In Côte d’Ivoire, Monday, August 31 marks the last day for the filing of candidatures for the presidential election next October. Candidates have until midnight. This Monday morning, the president of Together for Democracy and Sovereignty came to submit a file on behalf of Laurent Gbagbo.
They met in small groups from 7:30 am on Monday morning August 31 to show their support for their candidate Laurent Gbagbo. A procession that grew bigger as the morning went by, with a clear message. “We are 99% sure that Gbagbo is already elected. He will be elected and he will return to the presidency. The only person we are expecting today is Laurent Gbagbo».
Laurent Gbagbo being still in Brussels, it is the platform of support to the former president who came to submit the file on his behalf. Its manager Georges Armand Ouégnin made a point of thanking the rigor of the CEI. He also addressed a message to the institutions of the country. “The act that we have taken today reflects our willingness to stand up strongly against the exclusion for fear of our candidate in the upcoming elections. The Constitutional Council will have the heavy responsibility before the Ivorian people to pronounce on the validity and conformity of this decision of striking off the list of candidates with regard to the constitution of our country”.
Although the required sponsorships have been secured, four documents are missing from the file, including the criminal record of Laurent Gbagbo, which EDS claims it has not yet received. Georges Armand Ouégnin nevertheless insisted on the need for a fair and peaceful election and called on AlassaneOuattara for a frank, sincere and responsible dialogue.
It should be noted that former President Laurent Gbagbo was expelled from the Ivorian electoral list by the CEI, and this was confirmed by the court on August 25.

About Geraldine Boechat 2817 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia