Pope Francis calls for peace and reconciliation in the Central African Republic

Pope Francis once again calls for peace and dialogue in the Central African Republic. This Wednesday, January 6, after having blessed the faithful from a distance, the sovereign pontiff made a point of inviting the country’s leaders to do everything possible to avoid violence. A country he had visited five years ago.
Once again, the Central African Republic is at the heart of the Pontiff’s thoughts. It was after the prayer of the Angelus, pronounced without the faithful and in front of the cameras, that Pope Francis wanted to launch a new appeal for reconciliation.
“I follow with attention and concern the events in the Central African Republic where the recent elections took place, during which the people expressed their desire to continue with the voice of peace. I therefore call on all parties to engage in fraternal and respectful dialogue, to reject hatred and to avoid all forms of violence.’’
Central African news has been followed closely for several years in the Vatican. The Pope has often addressed the situation in the country in his greetings, repeatedly inviting people to return to the path of peace.
In November 2015, in a Central African country then torn apart by interconfessional violence, François went to Bangui for a two-day visit. He invited Central Africans to fight against “the fear of others”.
A year later, he made the Archbishop of Bangui, Dieudonné Nzapalainga the youngest of his cardinals, a man hailed for his willingness to dialogue with all components of Central African society.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia