COVID-19: epidemic is not over, crisis is continuing, King of Morocco warns

King Mohammed VI has warned that the COVID-19 epidemic is not over yet, and that the crisis is continuing, calling for vigilance.


“We must keep in mind that the epidemic is not over yet, and that the crisis is continuing. Everyone should continue to be vigilant and comply with the instructions issued by the public authorities in this regard,” said King Mohammed VI in a speech he delivered Saturday on the occasion of Throne Day, marking this year the 22nd anniversary of the Sovereign’s accession to the throne.


Underlining how the pandemic situation has been difficult for all, the King surveyed the efforts made by Morocco to counter the pandemic and the social and economic measures adopted to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

“Although the epidemic has adversely impacted the country’s economic projects and activities and has affected the material and social conditions of many citizens, I have sought to come up with solutions to reduce the effects of the crisis,” he said, recalling that as soon as the epidemic started, he took the initiative of setting up a special fund to mitigate the effects of the crisis – an initiative which was spontaneously embraced by the citizens.


The sovereign also recalled the launch of an ambitious plan to boost the economy by providing support to the small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the crisis, and to preserve jobs as well as the purchasing power of households through direct material assistance.


Among the initiatives he spearheaded, the Sovereign mentioned the creation of the Mohammed VI Investment Fund to promote productive activities, and to accompany and finance various investment projects.


The Sovereign also expressed satisfaction at the vaccination campaign, saying “We have every right, today, to celebrate Morocco’s achievements in the ‘battle for vaccines’ – which is far from being an easy one – as well as the successful roll-out of the national vaccination campaign and the citizens’ massive engagement in it.”


Recalling in this connection the pilot project launched for the manufacturing, in Morocco, of vaccines, medicines and the necessary medical materials, the Sovereign said he is convinced that medical autonomy is a key element in the accomplishment of the country’s strategic security.


Touching on the pandemic impact on economy, King Mohammed VI underscored that thanks to a collective national endeavor, there are positive indicators which show that Moroccan economy is on its way to a full recovery and that the situation has been further improved by the good crop year.


“The agricultural output will promote a sense of contentment and tranquility among the citizens. This development comes in a promising context, now that the Special Commission for the Development Model has submitted its proposals. The latter will make it possible to embark on a new phase, the aim being to accelerate the country’s economic take-off and shore up the social project we want for our country, he stated further.


The King, who commended the Commission’s effort as “patriotic, constructive and commendable,” said that the implementation of the development model is “a national duty that requires the participation of all stakeholders, especially those that will be in charge of government and public policy in the years to come.”


He expressed hope that the “National Pact for Development” will serve as a frame of reference that includes development principles and priorities as well as an economic and social contract that paves the way for a new revolution of the King and the people, vowing to make sure to follow up the actual implementation of the development model through the necessary measures and mechanisms.

About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4434 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network