Burkina Faso: Former President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré finally released

The former Burkinabe president was able to return home on Wednesday, April 6. He had been under house arrest since January 24, the date of the military coup that toppled him from power.
In a statement released on Wednesday evening, the Burkinabe government said that this decision comes after “consultations started a little over three weeks ago with the former president of Faso.
On March 27, Alassane Bala Sakandé, former president of the National Assembly and president of the People’s Movement for Progress, was arrested after he asked for his release. The day before, ECOWAS had urged the Burkinabe authorities to release the former president “unconditionally and without delay.
The government reassures that measures are taken to ensure the safety of the deposed president.
Since his overthrow by a military coup on January 24, which brought Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba to power, the former Burkinabe president had been held under house arrest in a ministerial villa in Ouaga 2000. On February 17, he was transferred to another villa in this upscale neighborhood of the capital, where his detention conditions were tightened. He was only allowed to receive visits for one hour a day and was forbidden to communicate with the outside world.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia