Guinea: The deposed president Alpha Condé back in Conakry

President for eleven years before being overthrown by a putsch on September 5, Alpha Conde returned to Guinea at the beginning of the week-end after a stay in the United Arab Emirates for treatment, announced the ruling junta in Conakry.
Alpha Conde landed late Friday afternoon at Conakry airport in complete secrecy. According to Guinean airport authorities, the former president was on a special flight chartered by his Emirati hosts. According to Guinean security sources, he was then able to reach his wife’s home, located in the Andrea district, in the suburbs of the Guinean capital.
His return to the country was the subject of negotiations at the highest level between Conakry and Abu Dhabi because, according to a Guinean diplomatic source, the deposed president did not wish to return to Guinea after his medical stay. He finally complied with the decision of the Emirati authorities who, according to the same sources, informed him that his stay was over.
In his statement, the head of the Guinean junta Mamadi Doumbouya thanked the United Arab Emirates for the great attention that former President Alpha Conde has received. Mamadi Doumbouya also said that the physical integrity and dignity of the former president will be respected in accordance with his rank and status.
With several of his former ministers now in prison on suspicion of corruption, many wonder what Alpha Conde will face after his return.

About Geraldine Boechat 2817 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia