Former Presidents of National Assembly and CENI arrested in Guinea

The former president of the National Assembly, Amadou Damaro Camara, and of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Louncény Camara, were charged and booked into the civil prison in Conakry last night.
Justice accuses Amadou Damaro Camara of embezzling money while he was in office at the National Assembly between April 22, 2020 and September 5, 2021. Several cases are intertwined. But the main one concerns the construction of the new headquarters of the National Assembly. It was originally a contract worth nearly 15 billion GNF (about 1.6 million euros), a very large part of which has evaporated.
The former president of the National Assembly Amadou Damaro Camara, former deputy Lounceny Camara and former quaestor of the Assembly Michel Kamano were interviewed several times by the central directorate of judicial investigations of the national gendarmerie, which conducted the preliminary investigation.
Then at around 3pm on Wednesday, they were brought before the Court of Repression of Economic and Financial Offenses (Crief). Their interrogation lasted until 1am. The Crief prosecutor charged them with misappropriation of public funds, corruption, embezzlement in the awarding of public contracts, illicit enrichment and conflicts of interest. Only Michel Kamano was allowed to go free, under judicial supervision.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia