Morocco: King launches construction works of a new UHC with a capacity of over 1,000 beds

King Mohammed VI on Thursday launched, in Rabat, the construction works of the new Ibn Sina University Hospital, a futuristic project that will strengthen the Kingdom’s health offer with a capacity of over 1,000 beds.

The project, requiring an investment of more than 6 billion dirhams, is part of a global vision to strengthen the current health structure of the Kingdom, notably through the development of hospital infrastructures, the strengthening of basic health services and bringing them closer to citizens.

The Sovereign’s launch of the hospital construction works testifies to the special interest he grants to the health sector and to human resources in this vital sector, as well as his determination to ensure a quality training, adapted to the scientific and technological evolution in terms of treatment, prevention, management and health governance, in line with international standards.

The future hospital will ensure more complementarity in the health map at the level of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Region, while giving back to the Ibn Sina hospital, built in 1954, the historical place it occupied as an incubator of skills and a medical research structure.

This new-generation health structure, which will be built over an area of 11.4 ha, is modern in its architecture, its healthcare quality, and its integration of new technologies.

It will be composed of a hospitalization tower (33 floors, with 2 lower levels), a medico-technical pole of five floors (with three lower levels), a tower of 11 floors (with three lower levels) dedicated to the National League against Cardiovascular Diseases, a Conference Center, a Training Center and an Internship Center.

The north-eastern part of the site, which houses the current hospital, will be developed as green spaces and gardens and will eventually house a museum of medicine and other annexes.

With a covered area of more than 190,000 m2, the future hospital will include a hospitalization pole, intensive care units, outpatient services, exploration, emergency and follow-up care and rehabilitation, resuscitation units, a unit of severe burns, a service of severe respiratory diseases, a hemodialysis center, and technical platforms. It will have a capacity of 1,044 beds, including 148 beds dedicated to intensive care units.

This high-tech hospital with its unique and innovative architecture will also have a helipad, a 1,300-spot parking lot, and green spaces for the recovery and relaxation of patients in convalescence.

It will integrate in its design the best practices of eco-construction as well as new generation technologies (solar filters, photovoltaic panels, natural ventilation, recovery of rainwater and its use in watering the green spaces of the hospital) allowing a better energy efficiency, in line with Morocco’s commitments to sustainable development.

The new hospital, which will be completed within 48 months, will consolidate the healthcare offer in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Region, which currently has 10 university hospitals and 12 provincial and prefectural hospitals, with a total capacity of 4,433 beds (173 intensive care beds, 126 of which are at the Ibn Sina University Hospital Center). This capacity should reach 5,049 beds by the end of 2022 with the entry into service of 7 hospital projects that are being completed.

This futuristic hospital complex, which meets international standards, will be added to the many development projects launched by the Sovereign in Rabat, the Moroccan city of light and capital of culture.

About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4622 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network