Chad: The legal proceedings involving Mahamat Deby’s former personal assistant

The former private secretary of the transitional president was presented to the courts last weekend. Idriss Youssouf Boy was arrested several weeks ago with other personalities following suspicions of misappropriation of oil revenues. We only learned this on Tuesday 26 July because the case was conducted in all discretion.
Idriss Youssouf Boy, the former private secretary of the president of the transitional military council, Mahamat Taher Issa, the former deputy director general of the Chadian hydrocarbons company, and Mamadou Bass, the director general of Orabank, a Chadian financial institution, were all questioned by judicial police officers last Saturday, July 23.
The theft of billions of CFA francs from the Chadian hydrocarbons business is the subject of a financial controversy in which the three individuals are involved. Due to his position as a minister, Idriss Youssouf Boy was taken before the Supreme Court, the nation’s highest court, on accusations of illegal enrichment, influence peddling, and abuse of office.
He was brought before the court on Sunday, July 24, where he was informed of the charges. Idriss Youssouf Boy entered a plea of innocence.
The former Mahamat Idriss Déby collaborator has another appointment with the judges on Friday, July 29. Justice experts in Chad claim that the procedural irregularities could argue in his favor, at least for an interim release.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia