DRC: Tanganyika governor summoned to explain her handling of insecurity

In the DRC, the governor of Tanganyika is summoned to Kinshasa on Thursday for consultation. Julie Ngungwa Mwayuma must explain the management of insecurity problems in her province. The Ministry of the Interior explains that the aim is to shed light on the disastrous situation in Tanganyika. Beyond insecurity, socio-political issues should be addressed.
This is a summons that should make it possible to take stock of the security situation in Tanganyika, which has deteriorated in recent months.
Mayi-Mayi fighters operating with impunity on a mining site in Mukuyi, in the territory of Manono; children abducted in Kalemie and found a few days later in the province of South Kivu, on their way to an unknown destination; Bantu and Twa clashing fatally in Moba…
Julie Ngungwa Mwayuma had to deal with all these issues as soon as she was sworn in as governor after her election last May.
In addition to the issue of insecurity, she will also have to shed light on the political and social tensions that are shaking Tanganyika. Indeed, part of the provincial assembly bureau, whose activities have been banned since the end of July, is still contesting his election, explains an observer on the spot. Another burning issue is the students of the University of Kalemie, who took to the streets to denounce the insecurity following the murder of one of their number.
The governor is also expected to provide explanations on a loan of ten million dollars that she allegedly applied for and obtained.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia