The European Union (EU) delegation in Angola signed yesterday financing contracts for four projects in the area of human rights, which will receive a total of 850 thousand euros.
The four projects, with duration of two to three years, were selected following a call for proposals to strengthen the protection and respect for human rights, democracy and fundamental freedoms in Angola, in the areas of greatest risk.
Specifically, the projects were intended to contribute to the promotion of sexual and reproductive rights, combat gender-based violence, and strengthen the right to information and freedom of expression.
The projects “For the Girls and Women of Cabinda” of the organizations World Vision and Salesians Don Bosco of Angola, which aim to strengthen civil society organizations and create a network of activists for the elimination of gender violence, and “Expanding Rights, Building the Future” of ADRA (Action for Rural Development and Environment), aimed at respect for sexual and reproductive rights of adolescents and youth and reducing vulnerability in rural areas of the provinces of Huambo and Malanje, were selected.
The projects “Change,” from the Support League for the Integration of the Disabled (Lardef), aimed at the social and economic inclusion of people with disabilities in Angola, and “The Journalist’s Voice—Phase II,” implemented by Radio Ecclesia and the Union of Angolan Journalists, to strengthen the role of journalists in terms of ensuring human rights and freedom of the press and information, were also chosen.
Speaking at the end of the ceremony, the head of the EU embassy, Jeannete Seppen, said that the European Union maintains an annual dialogue with the Angolan government on these issues.
“It is not an evaluation of Angola or the EU; each party presents its vision and says how it has been working; there are points that are more critical for us and others that are more critical for the EU; it is a dialogue to exchange information and experiences, and it is on this basis that we work.” Celeste Januário told the media.