High profile Benin political figure slams Benin-Rwanda military cooperation

Martin Rodriguez, political and business tycoon opposed to Benin President Patric Talon, has laid to April military agreement between the West African country and Rwanda from which the eastern African State will send troops to help combat terrorism.
Both Talon and Paul Kagame in mid last month in capital Cotonou oversaw the signing of several agreements between their two countries, including military cooperation per which Kigali will send troops to Benin to help curb terrorism.
In an interview with “Be Africa”, Martin Rodriguez argued that the true purpose of the agreement is covered and is meant to protect the regime led by Talon.
“Why would President Talon seek military support from a country with no significant experience in fighting jihadist terrorism?” he asked.
Benin, like many countries in the region, has been grappling with insecurity and terrorism in the north. Several attacks have caused mayhem in the ranks of the army and civilians.
Rodriguez posits that Benin does not need the presence of foreign troops to overcome terrorism. The country needs alternative solutions that integrate socio-economic needs of populations.
“Jihadists also recruit locally. They recruit from those who are unemployed, frustrated, those who are revolted to be able to carry out their fight (…),” he said.
“To fight jihadism, there must be harmony between the populations that are supposed to be protected and the State. There must be complicity. A people divided internally is a vulnerable people”, he added.

About Geraldine Boechat 3040 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia