United Nations donates fish farming material in Cabo Delgado

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) delivered on Monday to the authorities of Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique, material for fish farming for families affected by the war.
“We are here to support the entire fisheries production chain, from boat building, processing to the final production chain, in the province”, said Yassine Ayob, head of the UNOPS office in the city of Pemba, capital of Cabo Delgado.
The gesture consisted of the donation of 12 wheelbarrows, 15 long-handled hoes, 20 shovels, three ropes of 100 meters each, 46 pipes, six elbows and six knives.
Also delivered were 12 picks, 12 weeding machines, three hammers, six machetes, three saws, 30 saw sheets and 15 glues for opening and revitalizing fish ponds in those places.
The material will benefit families hosted in the districts of Montepuez, Balama and Chiúre, after being forced to flee armed attacks in Cabo Delgado. The governor of Cabo Delgado province, Valige Tauabo, said after receiving the material that it will help reduce malnutrition and hunger among displaced and host families.
Cabo Delgado province has faced an armed insurgency for five years with some attacks claimed by the extremist group Islamic State. The insurgency has led to a military response since July 2021 with support from Rwanda and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), liberating districts near gas projects, but new waves of attacks have emerged south of the region. And in neighboring Nampula province.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia