China delivers 1,042 tons of rice to Cape Verde worth 1.2ME

On Monday September 3, China delivered 1,042 tons of rice to Cape Verde, worth 1.2 million euros, to mitigate the effects of rising prices and which will be distributed free of charge to social and health institutions.
The donation was officially handed over in Praia by China’s ambassador to Cape Verde, Su Jie, to Cape Verde’s Minister of Agriculture and Environment, Gilberto Silva, who stressed that the donation represents the “concrete expression” of “fruitful cooperation” from a country that has been an “important partner” in the archipelago’s development.
The minister also noted that the offer is being made at a time when the country has been suffering the consequences of climate change, with years of drought and reduced production, but also of a war taking place far away, but with effects on the archipelago.
As Cape Verde imports around 80% of the food it consumes, Gilberto Silva said that the price hike has had negative consequences for the entire Cape Verdean population, with a risk of food insecurity among those most in need.
“So this aid comes at the right time and corresponds to the People’s Republic of China’s affirmative response to Cape Verde’s request,” he said, promising transparency in order to make “good use” of the aid in the country.
The donation, according to the minister, will be managed through civil society organizations and state institutions dedicated to food assistance, as well as other complementary organizations.

About Geraldine Boechat 2768 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia