Mozambican Parliament cuts 14% from 2024 budget

The Mozambican parliament on Wednesday November 8 approved a budget of just over 2.6 billion meticais (38 million euros) for its operating and investment expenses in 2024, 14% less than in 2023.
The bill was only approved by MPs from the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO), the ruling party with a qualified majority in parliament, since the benches of the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO), the main opposition party, and the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), the third largest party, were once again absent en bloc from the plenary session of the legislative body.
“The Assembly of the Republic’s budget proposal for 2024, due to the need to contain expenditure, points to a reduction of around 14% compared to the 2023 budget”, said Hélder Injojo, a Frelimo MP and chairman of the Assembly of the Republic’s Board of Directors, who presented the document.
Of the amount approved Wednesday, the largest portion goes to operating expenses, which will absorb just over 2.5 billion meticais (36 million euros). The remaining 1.7 million euros will go towards investment costs, Injojo added.
The president of the Board of Directors of the Assembly of the Republic said that the body’s activities in 2024 will prioritize the strengthening of Parliament’s representative, legislative and supervisory functions and institutional capacity building.
“The instruments approved today aim to create premises so that this house can fulfill its role next year, fulfilling its mission of representing the noblest interests of the Mozambican people, ensuring legislative production for the functioning of our State and ensuring supervisory action”, emphasized Hélder Injojo.

About Geraldine Boechat 3039 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia