African bishops reject the idea of blessing same-sex couples

New tensions, a new stage in the tense relations between the Vatican and bishops’ Conferences in Africa. Last December, the Vatican authorized blessings for so-called “irregular” couples, notably homosexual couples.
At the time, many of the continent’s bishops, notably from Cameroon and Nigeria, voiced their rejection of this decision. A week ago, the Vatican explained its position in a lengthy press release. This Thursday, January 11, the shepherd’s answer to the shepherdess… the bishops’ conferences meeting in Accra announced their categorical refusal to perform these blessings.
Entitled “No blessings for homosexual couples in the Churches of Africa”, the four-page summary of the arguments put forward by the African bishops’ conferences is signed by their president, the influential Cardinal Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa.
While they reaffirm “their communion with Pope Francis”, the religious leaders point out “that the proposed blessings cannot be carried out in Africa without exposing themselves to scandal.”
In their conclusions, the bishop’s state “in our context, this would cause confusion and be at odds with the cultural image of African communities.”
The bishops’ conferences also believe that the language used by the Vatican remains “subtle to understand for simple people.”
Concluding their statement, the bishops point out that the Pope is “vehemently opposed to any form of cultural colonization” and then remind us that “some countries prefer to have more time to study the declaration, which in fact proposes the possibility of these blessings, but does not impose them.”

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia