Guinean PR reshuffles government a month after taking office

Guinean President Umaro Sissoco Embaló on Monday January 22 proceeded to a Government reshuffle with the creation of the Secretariat of State for Administrative Reform, headed by Mónica Buaro, who leaves the Secretariat of State for Planning.
Through presidential decrees, Sissoco Embaló announced his decision to create the Secretariat of State for Administrative Reform and to appoint Mónica Buaro to the post, leaving the Secretariat of State for Regional Planning and Integration, now occupied by Fatumata Jau.
Until now, Jau was one of the advisors to the President of the Republic, a post from which she was also relieved, according to another presidential decree, in order to be appointed Secretary of State.
Mónica Buaro is the leader of the Social Renewal Party (PRS), and Fatumata Jau is the leader of the Movement for Democratic Change (Madem G15).
In notes released to the press, the Presidency of the Republic explains that the changes to the government were made at the initiative of the Prime Minister, Rui Duarte de Barros.
The Secretariat of State for Planning and Regional Integration will work under the Ministry of Economy, and the newly created Secretariat for Administrative Reform will work under the coordination of the Ministry of Public Administration, Employment, Professional Training, and Social Security.
The presidential-initiated government took office on December 21, after the Guinean President dissolved parliament and dismissed the absolute majority executive of the PAI-Terra Ranka coalition.
The presidential decision is considered unconstitutional by the coalition because 12 months have not passed since the legislative elections in June 2023.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia