Ghana seeks nuclear power plant

Ghana plans to select in December the company that will build its nuclear power plant to close electricity supply gaps.

The bidders include France’s EDF, U.S.-based NuScale Power and Regnum Technology Group, China National Nuclear Corporation, South Korea’s Kepco and its subsidiary Korea Hydro Nuclear Power Corporation as well as Russia’s ROSATOM, Reuters said citing an energy ministry official.

The idea of a nuclear power plant in Ghana dates back to the 1960s but was interrupted by a coup.

In 2017, an Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) mission assessed Ghana’s readiness for nuclear power.

Ghana looks to nuclear power as an alternative to provide a clean baseload electricity to support its economic growth.

Ghana suffered from electricity blackouts due to a lack of natural gas to power its plants last year. The cost to the economy and households highlighted the need for stable baseloads with the country setting sight on nuclear power.