Burkina Faso junta under criticism after bloody jihadist attack

Burkina Faso’s military rulers have been criticized for their approach to counter-terrorism after an attack this month killed more than 100 Burkinabe soldiers in an army base.

The attack, in the northern town of Mansila, marked the highest loss for the Burkina Faso army since it started battling terrorist groups more than a decade ago.

The BBC wrote that the attack also highlights speculations about unrest within the security forces.

The attack was claimed by Jihadist group Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), an Al Qaeda inspired group.

Junta leader Capt Ibrahim Traoré broke his silence on the attack, 10 days after it happened.

He said the military had launched an operation after the assault, and sent reinforcement troops.

A day after the Mansila attack, state broadcaster RTB TV in the capital was hit by a rocket, leading many observers to float the possibility of a mutiny.

As Jihadist groups continue to wreak havoc in the wider Sahel, Burkina Faso suffered the most accounting for almost a quarter of people killed in terrorist attacks globally in 2023, according to Sydney-based Institute for Economics & Peace.

The country’s army seized power in 2022, but more than a third of Burkina Faso is controlled by insurgents.