Mozambicans, Chinese exchange experience on hospital ship docked in Maputo

Mozambican and Chinese military doctors are exchanging experiences on the Chinese navy’s “Peace Ark” hospital ship, moored in Maputo Port, which has the capacity to treat 700 people a day, a Mozambican military source said.

“We as the armed forces, civil health and the Chinese navy team will be [on the ship]. As doctors, the fact that they are interacting with other colleagues from another region (…) is a moment that we believe is an opportunity for the exchange of experience and mutual learning”, said Sidónia Massangaie, director of the health department at the General Staff of the Armed Defense Forces of Mozambique (FADM).
China’s “Peace Ark” ship will be docked in Maputo Port until the 15th of this August 2024 to provide medical and medication support and assistance to Mozambican military personnel, their dependents and the general population.

This is the second time that China’s “Peace Ark” has docked in Mozambique, as part of the cooperation between the two countries, after having been in the African country in 2017, when at least 16,000 patients were treated.