Kenya army to join UN peacekeepers in East DRC

On Sunday August 25, Kenya’s military announced that its troops have departed for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to join a United Nations peacekeeping force aimed at addressing deadly tensions caused by armed groups.
The Kenya Defense Force (KDF) reported that the first batch of the fourth contingent of the Kenya Quick Reaction Force (KENQRF 4) was officially sent off on Saturday, August 24 marking the start of their peacekeeping mission.
Stephen Kapkory, the base commander of Embakasi Air Base, emphasized that the KENQRF 4 will integrate with the UN Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), which focuses on stabilizing the eastern regions of the DRC where armed groups continue to create instability.
“I am confident in your training and professionalism. Represent Kenya well by maintaining high standards of professionalism and discipline, and build on the exemplary performance of your predecessors,” Kapkory stated in a message from Nairobi.
He highlighted the troops’ readiness, professional training, and understanding of their mission, expressing confidence in their ability to handle the task effectively.
The KDF noted that this deployment coincides with MONUSCO’s increased efforts to protect civilians, reform the security sector, and oversee the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of combatants. The Kenyan troops will be involved in operations against armed groups, safeguarding civilians, supporting humanitarian efforts, and assisting with disarmament and reintegration tasks previously undertaken by past contingents.
Kenya has a strong record of contributing to international peacekeeping missions in countries such as Somalia, South Sudan, Namibia, Croatia, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, reflecting its commitment to regional and global peace and security.