Malawi talks Trade and Investment with investors in London

The Chief executive officer of Malawi Investment and Trade Centre and key officials from the government of Malawi, including the Minister of Industry and Trade concludes in London this week  a series of agreements  with prospective  business  investors  from the UK, Germany, the USA, Singapore, Latin America and China, amongst others.

Speaking in London, the Malawi’s Minister of Industry and Trade, Joseph Mwanamvekha said the mission of this trip was to understand investor requirements ahead of The Global African Investment Summit (TGAIS) that will be held in London next December 1–2. President of Malawi Arthur Peter Mutharika will attend the summit to present his country’s projects to potential investors.

“Foreign Investors have shown an overwhelming expression of interest in Malawi across key industry sectors that have been identified by the government of Malawi as having potential for driving socio-economic growth and inclusive development,” said Minister Mwanamvekha.

These sectors include infrastructure, agro-business, agriculture, mining, ICT and importantly power.

Clement Kumbemba, CEO of the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre said “Malawi offers what investors want – the political will from the President to ensure investments are safe, above-average investment returns, a strong and hard-working labor force, a rich natural and mineral resource base and unexploited mineral deposits, a well-enforced legal system that is based on English law and importantly political stability, Malawi being one of the very few African countries that has never had a civil war.”

The London investor meetings were facilitated by The Global African Investment Summit as part of its initiatives to bring together investors and African governments to present their investment projects.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia