Kenya: KUPPET calls off teachers’ strike after meeting with TSC

The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has decided to end its teachers’ strike following a consultative meeting with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
KUPPET’s Secretary General, Akelo Misori, announced the suspension of the strike after reaching a preliminary agreement with the TSC. He instructed all union members to return to their duties while the remaining issues are resolved.
“In line with the upcoming court order on September 5, we are halting the strike and directing all our teachers to resume classes while we continue to address the concerns we raised with the Commission,” Misori stated.
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, who joined the press conference, reported that the negotiations with KUPPET were productive. “After a full day of discussions, we are pleased to announce that we have reached a mutually agreeable settlement, allowing teachers to return to work immediately,” Macharia said.
The agreement includes resolving issues related to the remittance of third-party deductions, reinstating the medical scheme, and promoting 51,232 teachers. Additionally, the government has allocated more resources for the retooling of Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers and has committed to addressing the remaining concerns.