Rwanda: Kagame warns EU against interference in elections

Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame has warned diplomatic missions in the capital Kigali against interfering in the country’s August general elections, Africanews reported on Wednesday.

“The diplomatic missions here are not and should not replace the electoral commission,” Kagame was quoted as saying.

Paul Kagame has held strong stance against western influence in Africa. He has recently ban importation of used clothes in the East–African nation.

The 59-year-old was unanimously nominated by the ruling RPF-Inkotanyi party to contest in upcoming polls he is expected to win by a landslide.

It took a constitutional referendum in 2015, to allow Kagame to run for another seven-year term.

His main contender in this year election is Frank Habineza, leader of the Green Democratic Party, the only opposition party authorized four years ago.

Political observers peg Habineza’s vote tally at about 5%.

Kagame has won previous polls in landslides, 95% of votes in 2003 and dropped by 2% points to 93% in 2010.

35-year-old Diane Rwigara, the daughter of a businessman has recently announced her decision to contest the polls too.

If elected, Kagame will be left to retain his seat for another seven year term, after 17 years in power.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia