Côte d’Ivoire: Simone Gbagbo considers Ouattara’s candidacy illegal and suggests a postponement of the poll

The former first lady spoke out on Tuesday 11 August in defense of her husband, former President Laurent Gbagbo, who is still in Belgium where he is waiting for a passport to return to his country. Simone Gbagbo also declared President Ouattara’s candidacy for a third term illegal.
With her fist raised, Simone Gbagbo arrived in a conquering posture. The ex-first lady rarely speaks. But for once she has decided to speak out, as an “opinion leader”, when “the time is serious” and “the future is getting darker”, she says. The vice-president of the FPI has therefore called for appeasement measures in favor of Laurent Gbagbo.
“I would like to call on the Head of State to pass an amnesty law to make Mr. Laurent Gbagbo eligible. I invite him to issue a diplomatic passport. He is entitled to one. And that he release the prisoners of the post-election crisis. And facilitate the safe return of thousands of exiles. That he reinstate on the electoral register Mr. Blé Goudé Charles and why not Mr. Soro Guillaume. »
She then dwelt on the case of Alassane Ouattara, citing the Constitution and the collaborators of the Head of State. She considers his candidacy for a third term illegal.
“The candidacy of Mr. Alassane Ouattara is not admissible. A head of state cannot say and deny himself. Especially before the nation. The respect of the word given must more than ever be observed in politics.’’ Proposing negotiations, Simone Gbagbo also extended her hand to the government, saying that “nothing was yet lost” and that “together” it was “possible to build a strong, just and peaceful Côte d’Ivoire”.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia