Presidential election in Niger: AU observation mission welcomes ballot with satisfaction

While Nigeriens are awaiting the full results of the presidential and legislative elections on Sunday, December 27, observers deployed on Election Day report their findings. They welcome a ballot that took place in a calm atmosphere despite some malfunctions.
In its conclusions, the African Union mission notes that the elections took place in a context of mistrust among stakeholders, but notes with satisfaction that it was conducted in a calm atmosphere.
All observers welcome the attitude and enthusiasm of Nigerien voters. There were 7.5 million of them called to the polls. The AU mission considers that the secrecy of the ballot was generally observed.
However, the observers noted some malfunctions which, according to their conclusions, are not likely to jeopardize Sunday’s double voting. They note delays in the opening of some polling stations and the sometimes inadequate training of polling station staff, such as political party delegates.
Finally, while Niger is currently witnessing an upsurge in cases of coronavirus, observers report that barrier gestures were not respected during the polls.
International observers conclude that the elections were relatively free, fair and transparent. They now call on Nigerien institutions to publish the results within the legal deadline, no later than 5 days after polling day, 1 January 2021, and on candidates and their parties to take legal action in the event of a dispute.

About Geraldine Boechat 2869 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia