Togo: opposition party CAR decided to suspend its participation in the ongoing dialogue on regional elections

Considering that the government is not playing the dialogue game, the Comité d’action pour le renouveau (CAR), a Togolese opposition party, decided to suspend its participation in the dialogue concerning possible regional elections.
In Togo, the Comité d’action pour le renouveau (CAR) officially suspended Tuesday its participation in the dialogue for the organization of possible regional elections. “We took this decision because all the concerns we raised, which we wanted to put on the agenda of the dialogue, were rejected out of hand by the Minister of State for Territorial Administration,” said Jean Kissi, the Secretary General of the CAR, who wrote his displeasure to the Minister in charge of Territorial Administration.
This party, which boycotted last year’s presidential election, believes that the government is not playing the game of dialogue by refusing to put on the agenda the resolution of the political crisis still in progress: “We understood that it was as if we had come a little late to a world that is too old, that things were finished and that the main topics, which are the subjects of the Togolese crisis, will not be discussed.
“And the evil, as everyone knows, is: contested elections, bloody repression and unfinished dialogue. Including the fact that the charges against Agbéyomé and others must be dropped, that they can also come and we can talk together, because this dialogue must still be inclusive. It’s not normal, it doesn’t make sense, it can only look like a compromise. And the CAR is not ready to lock itself into that kind of compromise,” he adds.
About twenty trainings participate in the meetings, but not the Dynamique Kpodzro, which had nominated Agbeyomé Kodjo.

About Geraldine Boechat 2768 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia