COVID-19: International media praise Morocco’s vaccination campaign

German Die Welt paper has published Tuesday a long article on Morocco’s successful vaccination campaign saying the North African country is doing much better than a number of European countries.

International media continue to praise Morocco for its successful vaccination campaign that outperforms many European countries, describing the Kingdom as the champion in North Africa.

While Germany and other European countries slide through the second wave in lockdown, Morocco is well on the way to vaccinate itself out of the crisis, writes the German paper’s correspondent in Tangier Alfred Hackensberger.

The daily highlighted Morocco’s “exemplary management of the vaccination campaign” against the Covid-19 virus, describing the Kingdom as the Champion in North Africa and as having overtaken Germany in terms of vaccination.

The journalist drew a parallel between the immunization rate in Germany and in Morocco.

In Germany, the 7-day average currently stands at 126,806 first and second vaccinations per day. Morocco vaccinated an average of 173,920 persons a day last week, writes the author of the article, noting that now Morocco is a big step ahead of Europe.

“Now Morocco is a big step ahead of Europe. Once again, this has to be said, because the kingdom did a lot better than its European neighbors during the pandemic.”

The journalist spoke admiringly of the whole organization of the immunization process, the great rush of citizens to the vaccination centers, and the perfect handling of the medical staff.

“One SMS is enough and a few seconds later, the sender will receive a vaccination appointment,” he stated, noting that while Europe is stranded in a second wave of confinement, the North African Kingdom is on track to get vaccinated out of the crisis and life in Morocco is almost as before.

The journalist also referred to the declining number of new cases and fatalities recorded in Morocco. “500 new infections and a dozen deaths, these are figures that will make Germany and many other countries in the European Union jealous,” Hackensberger wrote.

As to the reasons behind Morocco’s success, the journalist listed a clear strategy, temporary isolation measures, as well as a high level of public confidence. All this has enabled the Kingdom to overcome the second wave of the pandemic.

Hicham Sbai, professor at the School of Medicine of Tangier, told the journalist, when asked about the success of Morocco, that this success is explained by the swift and anticipated reaction of the Kingdom and a strategy involving all institutions and all stakeholders at national and regional level.

About Khalid Al Mouahidi 4478 Articles
Khalid Al Mouahidi : A binational from the US and Morocco, Khalid El Mouahidi has worked for several american companies in the Maghreb Region and is currently based in Casablanca, where he is doing consulting jobs for major international companies . Khalid writes analytical pieces about economic ties between the Maghreb and the Mena Region, where he has an extensive network