Audio attributed to former Guinean president Conde leads to two arrests

In Guinea, a doctor for Alpha Conde and his last head of diplomacy were arrested after the broadcasting of a clandestine recording attributed to the former president intervening from abroad in domestic politics, the gendarmerie said in a statement released Wednesday evening.
In its statement, the gendarmerie seems to imply that the recording was made without Mr. Conde’s knowledge. The statement said the need for his party, the RPG, to get into battle in anticipation of a serious deterioration of the situation in Guinea, particularly because of rising prices.
They added that the RPG must have a collegial leadership, and that Cellou Dalein Diallo, Mr. Conde’s perennial opponent, must be prevented from being the political beneficiary of a social deterioration.
The gendarmerie claims that Ibrahima Khalil Kaba, a former minister of Mr. Conde, called Mr. Conde’s personal physician, Dr. Mbemba Kaba, who was in the United Arab Emirates at the time, where the former president had been since January for medical treatment. Khalil Kaba asked Dr. Mbemba to collect Mr. Condé’s opinion on his succession to the leadership of his party, the RPG, and to register it. The doctor obeyed and then transferred the audio to two recipients, including Khalil Kaba.
“At the end of this investigation it is clearly established that this leakage has its source in the misconduct of the general doctor Mbemba Kaba on the instructions of his sponsor Dr. Ibrahima Khalil Kaba. They will be presented to the prosecutor’s office,” said the gendarmerie, without specifying the date of their appearance. The two men are being prosecuted for invasion of privacy and unauthorized processing of personal data.
The authenticity of this recording has not been challenged.

About Geraldine Boechat 2865 Articles
Senior Editor for Medafrica Times and former journalist for Swiss National Television. former NGO team leader in Burundi and Somalia